Just wanted to thank you guys for a great few weeks...what a treat to work with such motivated, enthusiastic individuals!
I also wanted to commend you regulars who show up time and time again at odd hours of the day. Whether you know it or not, you're taking an active role in your health. Look around you; most of the people you see aren't. Most people are content to be in moderately good shape, or moderately good health. There aren't too many who make the conscious decision to push past the accepted bare minimum of wellness. You guys have. By showing up you have decide not to settle for 'good enough'. You are setting yourselves up for the future in ways you won't appreciate until you get there. That's a powerful thing.
We can do better than simply being well!

Bernard taking a pro-active stance against poor health.

Aneel enjoying the benefits of barrier breaking!
Anyway, Coach K is back in town, but you'll still be seeing plenty of me around...
Stay Strong,