Hey Gang,
Just a reminder that SFCF is hosting it's very own Chasing Performance Seminar with some SFCF coach (this guy) this Saturday from 9am to 4pm. This day of Movement, Mobility, and Maintenance will be a veritable festival of body mechanics and models of recovery.
We still have space for the chosen ones (you). You can sign up through www.sanfranciscocrossfit.com. This seminar is booked out through Summer 2010 in OTHER places. It won't be back in SF for some time. Don't be whining when "like a virgin on prom night. I mean they vanish, swishh..."(Utah, gimme two!)
Seminar Goals:
•Improve understanding of key anatomical elements as they relate to functional movement, and as performance limiters.
•Increase awareness of “best-fit” biomechanical set-up and movement strategies for optimal work outputs.
•Understand movement compromise strategies for specific movement outcomes.
•Develop an understanding of common movement dysfunctions and a systematic model for addressing common problems associated with elite training
•Develop effective abdominal/spine stabilization strategies
•Understand and apply neuro-muscular stretching methods
•Understand methods to improve overhead positioning and efficacy
•Develop methods to address common myo-fascial pain/dysfunction
•Understand how to treat soft tissue injuries
•Develop better movement preparation strategies
For our regulars athletes classes have been shifted forward half an hour.
Level 2--7am
Level 1--8am
Open Gym --Cancelled.
Hope to see you there.
Coach K-doode-you're-jacked-up-star
Coach K,
I've tried reaching you numerous times about hosting your Chasing Performance workshop here in Fayetteville NC in 2010.
I've never heard back, but our affiliate would love to host you... Are you open to traveling to NC?? What is the process or number to call?
Thanks and I hope to hear from you.
John Velandra
CrossFit Cape Fear
Man, I wish I could go to this. I missed you by about a week at Fiji.
Vaya con dios,
unclaimed piece of meat
What’s up San Francisco Crossfit,
Crossfit Sweat Shop is hosting a Fran-Off on Saturday, August 8th
That’s right, people! The world famous Fran-Off is back with brand new levels of awesomeness. What’s a Fran-Off? Teams of two compete head-to-head in a double elimination tournament for winner-take-all prize money. How much? $1000. That’s right, 1k, a grand, a “G.” Paid-in-full to the winning team.
For complete details click on the link: http://franoff.blogspot.com/
Mike Jenkins
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