Congratulations to the SFCF Rainbow Fawn Squad for making such a strong showing at this year's Crossfit Games.
The day's competition brought three fierce workouts and strong competition. Ninety-seven teams competed for the Affiliate Cup title and it was pretty much a good old fashioned throw-down.
Our SFCF kids posted the second fastest time in the stadium chipper workout and were right in the heart of the action for the other two events.
Also, big shout out to Coach Angel who survived the "sporty-run" and little "ham-string streching" events. (imagine two of the hardest workouts you can, now do them within two hour of each other, and make them a little worse).
Enjoy the photos! (thanks to Huge-gene click here for his rad gallery)
Coach Kstar

Great work team! Thanks to everyone who came and cheered us on! You all made the main site video. Get reay for 2010.
Amazing job SFCF team - you guys did amazing - especially considering all the other teams stacked their teams with all full-time coaches!
Also, big shout out to Steven Johnson and Kathy Zodiaco who were volunteer judges.
I had a blast being a part of our awesome team, and representing our amazing sf crossfit family. We arent far off from being one of the best. I personally am pumped to train hard for next years games to go to another qualifier and hopefully earn the right to represent us in the team challenge again at the games. Lets all make an effort to be the best at exercising!!! Thank you to all you sfcfers who came out to root us on, thank u huge for the photos!
Angel Way to rep SFCF!
You delivered an epic performance. 20lb PR on the deadlift following a death run? In a word, ridiculous!
SFCF Rocks! Thank you everyone who came to support all of us who competed. I too am going to work really hard at becoming the best at exercising!! No seriously, this weekend was an eye opener- so many fit people. Next Year.....!
That stuff looked hard.
Great work guys! It was awesome to see SFCF represent at the games. I agree that there were some awesome exercisers there in Aromas. Glad to have taken the pics.
Way to go guys!!!! Wish I could have come back to Cali to watch...but I monitored and cheered from Balitmore!
Very nice feelings..... thanks for sharing..................
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The Bohe is looking on swoll. Good work JD, Catherine and rest of the crew. Thanks for a good time and the drinks.
I fell in love with Corrine all over again.
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