"One day I wiped out all notions from my mind. I gave up all desire. I discarded all the words with which I thought and stayed in quietude.
I felt a little strange--as if I were being carried into something, or as if I were touching some power unknown to me...and zzzt! I entered.
I lost the boundary of my physical body. I had my skin, of course, but I felt I was standing in the center of the cosmos.
I spoke, but my words had lost their meaning. I saw people coming toward me, but all were the same man.
All were myself! I had never known this world. I had believed that I was created, but now I must change my opinion: I was never created: I was the cosmos; no individual me existed." -Sasaki
Awakening, or satori, is the fundamental aim of Zen. According to the Zen text Denkoroku, "It is to die completely and then come back to life."
Hmmmm, sounds like heavy, high rep squatting to me. Looks like it too.
Coach K-the-buddah-squatted-heavy-too-star
cool stuff. satori sounds like it should be the name of a workout.
about a year ago we talked briefly at a level 1 cert at GSX about how dramatic the 85kg class oly lifting was at the olympics. ran across this video and thought i'd send it along.
if the link doesn't go through just search "lu yong 84.41" on youtube.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm heavy, high rep squats
I was clearly doing a great job job of spotting my partner. It's cool though, I was in a zen state.
Didn't know I could make a face like that.
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