Fish Oil
We are not big believers in supplements. Eat well (paleo), combine the right high quality nutrients in the right proportions (zone, athlete's zone--higher fat) and you should be set.
However, you should absolutely be on the fish oil. This stuff is like liquid gold.
Don't believe me? Check out You can throw fish oil and nearly any pathological human physical condition and you will see a positive impact of the stuff.
According to our own nutrition Guru, Robb Wolf, you need between two and five grams of the stuff daily broken up into two doses. You don't need the omega 6's, or 9's as you get plenty of them in the rest of your paleo foods.
We have some friends over at Nordic Naturals in Santa Cruz that extended a 20% discount on their fish oil to Crossfitters (any crossfitter).
Click on the Fish Oil link above or paste this link into your browser.
We really don't care what brand you use, just get on the stuff. I like the nordic naturals because I don't burp fish oil all day. Juliet can even take the pills.
The lemon and spiced apple cod liver oil are so good, that my daughter Georgia ASKS for it as a special treat. "Oil please!"
Enjoy! The link doesn't expire.
Coach kstar
I'm wondering if someone can explain the differences between the Omega 3s found in grass fed beef (see post December 20, 2007) and taking a supplement of Omega 3s. Is it just volume?
I slosh around in a tub full of fish oil daily. Is there any benefit in this. My skin is as smooth as silk, but all day I smell of fish. I will now buy it in pill form, and start ingesting daily. Boz, great answer...short...sweet. Oh, and lets get the ball rolling lining up potential disastrious dates for Dave. We could make it a crossfit reality series where u and I accompany dave on these ventures into blind date hell and commentate on them with a camera crew.
Sounds good! We could call it 'On the Bridge'.
The picture above shows Ultimate Omega. I don't see that on their product list. Same thing as Arctic Omega?
It looks to me like a double dose per cap compared to the regular product.
I really like the oil. Tablespoon in am/ small table spoon pm.
Tastes great. DOES NOT repeat.
I eat the omega 3 oil/and the cod liver oil. The CLO comes in spiced apple which is crazy good. The other I get in Lemon.
Georgia actually asks for both.
The CLO is only from Cod.
The other has oils from a couple of fish.
Sometimes I get the omega 3-D oil for a little more vit D.
Juliet gets the Omega 3 pills as she doesn't like swilling the oil.
Kelly, I ordered some. Not sure I got the exact right product, but got a small amount so will adjust in the future.
I'm keenly interested and somewhat frightened to see what your girls turn into as athletic monsters.
I highly encourage SF crossfitters to put together multiple teams to run the Christmas Relays, which is in the middle of December. This is a 4 person relay around lake Merced, each person running one lap around the lake, which is 4.5 miles, mostly fat except the very end. You can go serious or go fun. I'm trying to gather a co-ed team of Bad Santas as I want to run it in a Santa outfit while smoking a cigar and drinking a Heineken. It's a great event. Tons of people come out. Check out the flyer to mail in your entries.
My only two cents is that if you decide not to go with one of the higher quality brands like Nordic, then make sure to look at the DHA/EPA content of your fish oil.
if you see on the bottle that a serving is 1000 mg (1 gram) of fish oil, go a step further and look at the breakdown of DHA/EPA...if those numbers are low, then you'll need to take quite a lot of caps to get the benefits that Kelly is talking about.
I'm no scientist, but that's what I've read.
Im in
I've been taking the Salmon Oil from Trader Joes. I'll compare with the Nordic and appreciate the link for the discount :)
One caution--don't put a couple of fish oil capsules in your shirt pocket for gulping later in the day. Last week I forgot about them, subsequently washed my shirt with other clothes and now I bring the fine aroma of the sea with me.
I have Santa Costumes (probably one full costume and random parts) if anyone is interested in borrowing it.
Im in for the run!
Love the title. I see the commentary going like this.
Boz: We are in the backseat of Dave's car. Needless to say the date is not going well.
Lucas: I would compare it to the Sf quake of 89' in terms of disaster status. Tonights date is about as smart as a box of rocks.
Meanwhile they can hear everything we say. We only serve to make the night more akward and uncomfortbale, and then we follow dave to the steps where she refuses to give him a kiss goodnight and he is left with us, and the camerman, and the shameful walk back to the car with us providing a post date wrap up show. Boz, this is totally doable.
Lets get a big group for the run
I like the concept. A lot. We need to find a camera-man...we can start virally by posting the episodes on the blog until we reach major network status.
If I'm in town I'm in for the run.
See y'all tonight,
Oh, and Jack, can we start calling you Cap'n Jack?
I've read what Kitty's read. As far as I understand, DHA/EPA levels are a sound indicator of the overall "quality" of the oil. One wants them high. (Please correct me if I'm way off here.)
Also, when looking at this information, remember that while most manufacturers designate the serving size as one capsule, some sneakier ones designate the serving size as two capsules. So, while product A may, on a quick look at the DHA/EPA levels, appear to be 1.5 times as potent as product B and therefore "better," it may not actually be so.
I've been pretty stoked about the fish oil capsules from Costco. High quality (again, as far as I know), and a mega deal.
PS: Oh Dave!
I am in for the run!!
Costco does have dope cheap pills.
And you may burb them all day long. I do. So bad that I decided that I'd rather have heart disease than go throught the likes of Costco fish pills again.
Additionally, on the word of our nutrition uber-friends, we are supposed to break open every fith capsule to make sure they aren't rancid. Apparently this is a problem.
I like the nordic naturals because it is pharmaceutical grade, a local company, they have killer deals, you don't have to worry about the fatty acid levels (they are high), and I DON'T burp muthaf#cking fish paste all day.
But whatever, if you have a brand you like, let us know here on the comments section.
Oh, and C-rin, Juliet washed a whole load of our laundry with a rag we used to clean up a fish oil spill from our fridge.
Oh the horror.
And obviously I don't edit/spell chick.
Carlsons Cod Liver Oil Lemon flavor liquid form is awesome. I shoot it for dessert.
Mike M
Can someone please fill me in on the Dave blind date thing???
I'm going to try to get me some Lovaza.
boz/Lucas: my camera broke so im in the market for a new camcorder/camera. fyi: I have mad video skills! What ever's going on Im in- it just sounds too awesome to miss.
and boz- you have to bring the weight vest by.
Since someone up there asked
I take a brand called Super Fisol, get it at Whole Pay-Check. Been very happy with them cuz they are enteric-coated, so absolutely no after-taste, and they are almost always on sale (but still pricey)
But my next bottle, I'm gonna try Nordic Naturals...see what all the fuss is about ;)
Guys, I've got a team of two bad santas and two naughty santas, including Hot Gina. It sounds like we might have enough to get two more teams, so Lucas, as head of your newly founded running group, I say you are in charge of organizing the troops. Pretty sure JD, Land, Catherine, Kitty, Corrine, Tamra, AOD, Aaron, Michael would be interested. I'm just mad volunteering them for you. Go to that link I posted and get the entry forms in. Bring some barbells and do thrusters and handstands while you're waiting for your teammates. Will freak everyone out. I will smoke my cigar and drink cheap booze with a contemplative look. Ross, you coming back for Christmas?
What's your guys take on Krill Oil?
Lucas- I love the idea, we should include Michael in the backseat as well because a guy with an accent adds some credibility to the situation. He can be the producer, you can hold the sound boom and Boz can videotape. The first episode can be called A Bridge to Nowhere - a layman's guide to dating in the city + real time directors cut comentary. On a side note I went to Costco yesterday and was offended by the prices of meat, so much so, i am ordering 1/10th a grass fed cow from these guys they seem nice enough....if it turns out to make $$ sense we can talk about ordering a whole cow... 350 pounds of goodness.
Matt, thanks for asking bro. I am coming back for xmas, big time, but not sure when. I think around the 20th. If the race is after that date, I'm into it. Ah running around Lake Merced, acting like a bunch of goons . . . it'll be high school, part II.
I take Carlsons Fish Oil Lemon flavor liquid form, Sharon says the consistency is weird, but tastes great to me.
Matt...offended you did not volunteer me as well...sadness
I'm in for the run as long as no one yells at me for being to slow. I am no good at running and don't want to be stressed-out-naughty-Santa. (ok, enough wining)
Sounds like a really fun day...Bay to Breakerish...
Dave, if I'm going to get involved with your reality show, I have to warn you, things are going to get a little weird....two dragons.
I would be all about dressing up as santas but I am not here on the 14th of Dec. I already have family obligations that day.
Who knew that we could get this worked up over fish oil?
BTW I am in on the Santa's shenanigans. I have definitely run around lake merced hungover before, so it would bring back some memories. However, never drunk, which would still be fun.
Thanks for Crossfit SF hosting me this week. You all have a great facility, coaches and a great group.
The Crossfit date reality show is a great idea. The RedSox did the same thing. They would have either 3 guys and 1 girl or vice versa and they filmed the 1X1 for the whole game. Crossfiter Bern Price was a star of one episode.
Has anyone tried or has any opinion on the CoQ10 pills? I've been reading about the benefits of CoQ10 and wondering if anyone has any insights.
BTW I've witnessed the 8AM "Oil Please!!" request from the G Unit. SHOCKING!
Calli mumbled it yesterday too after scarfing her eggs and bacon. Those girls are ferocious.
What is a high EPA and DHA level in relation to the mg of fish oil. For example I have some fish oil pills that say 2400 mg of fish oil has 432 mg of EPA and 288 mg of DHA. Should it be closer to 1:1? Also, they say they "control fish burps". My hamstrings are still recovering/fried from Diane's Friday Noon workout so I think I need to start taking some fish oil to help speed recovery.
A little afraid,
If you buy your fish oil from a good company, you don't need to worry about what the ratio is.
Fish burps are the devil.
Nordic Naturals
Cod liver oil, spiced apple.
Few things...
The Ultimate Omega equivalent is ProOmega. Same formula, different label.
Omega-3 from flax, grass fed beef, or any other plant source is usually in the form of ALA and realistically your body will only convert between 4 to 15% depending on individual overall health.
Whatever fish oil you chose to go with, make sure you don't taste/burp fish. That is an indicator of a rancid fish oil and it will put an oxidative load on your body. (Fish burps truly are the devil) On a similar note- beware of "enteric coated" this is often used to mask rancid fish oil. I also encourage doing research on the side effects of enteric coating. ::shudder::
DHA/EPA is very important. EPA is the component in fish oil that promotes the body's natural anti-inflammatory response and DHA helps with neuro-cognitive, ocular health and pre-natal.
CoQ10 is EXCELLENT for heart health. Again, I encourage a little research on its synergistic benefits with fish oil.
And @Jack and kstar, next time try some baking soda in the wash with clothes hit with the Cod liver Oil. It'll get it right out.
Thanks for the link with the discount. I only get a 15% discount though when I go to checkout.
Nathan M.
Peninsula Crossfit
We can throw fish oil and nearly any pathological human physical condition and we will see a positive impact of the stuff,certainly this oil this like a painkiller.
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