Excellent! We wish them the best. Let's all support them in their training so they may represent us well in July.
What do you think we can do to send them off as prepared as possible? Keep training the way they are? Team practice? Power Lunches and late-night strategy sessions?
Beer. Lots of beer.
If they are not bathing in Fish Oil. They are not doing enough.
CONGRATS FOLKS...now it's time to represent!!
There are no holes in that lineup! That's a very strong team!
I think there should be no special training. Just do what we do every day. The superiority of SFCF programming will be evident in their performance at the Games.
I say with all honesty that its an honor to rep the 415 SFCF. Whether we bring home the aff cup (we will) or not I know this team will push to the maximum of their ability and leave nothing in the tanks. It will be brutal, it will be lung bursting, and it will be awesome. I sincerely hope that many of you SFCFers choose to register as spectators for the Games and come cheer us on beer in hand. We would love to have a large SFCF showing this year.As for training...train hard, train smart, rest, eat properly..watch many inspirational 80's movies (vision quest, best of the best 1 and 2, Karate Kid..the one with Hillary Swank)
Congrats you guys, that is one hell of a team. I will be cheering big time. I'm planning on car camping down there that weekend. I'm going to buy (or rent) a big tent... propane stoves, coolers, margarita machine ect... just some place for us to chill out in between the awesomeness. Adrian, do I have to clear that tent idea with the CF guys or is it don't ask for permission beg for forgiveness kind of thing?? -Dave
Kickass. This will be like the Gods of Grind tour, when Carcass toured w/ Entombed and some other groups, leaving total devastation in their wake. Alternatively, it will be like Dethklok's tour of Finland.
A few points/questions:
1 --- In the picture above, Lucas is obviously trying to kiss someone, or make smoochy-sounds at someone, and is obviously trying very hard at it. I think it's reasonable to assume that this person exercises a considerable motivating influence on Lucas. Thus, this person should be at the Games. Accordingly, I think SFCF should take up a collection to underwrite Dave's "car camping" plan.
2 --- Hillary Swank was in a Karate Kid movie? Rad. Hillary Swank is hot. Anyone who disagrees has a glandular disorder.
What. A. Team.
Congratulations, all.
Lest I put my 11 year relationship with my incredibly patient GF at risk (or maybe just to continue to test her patience), I'll be there, probably in costume, and most certainly inebriated. To the max.
Ross, I don't know you (I work out at CF Oakland), but the fact that you mentioned Carcass and Entombed in your posting indicates that you are a gentleman of refined taste and impeccable breeding.
Well thankee TomC!! I appreciate it, and right back atcha.
I'm going to have to respectfully disagree w/ you on the "gentleman" and "refined taste" bits. However, so as not to knock my folks, I'll take the "impeccable breeding."
Your blog comments display the idealistic, and free spirited nature of a young Jack london, the calming whisper of a robert frost poem, and the frightening power of Lenin...not the beatle. The fact that you are still able to raise your goblet to rock and crossfit means that you truly are the last starfighter.
Your blog comments display the idealistic, and free spirited nature of a young Jack london, the calming whisper of a robert frost poem, and the frightening power of Lenin...not the beatle. The fact that you are still able to raise your goblet to rock and crossfit means that you truly are the last starfighter.
Barring any new employment obligations which will require me to NOT be in this area that weekend (I'd even fly back for this), I'm on board with Dave's camping idea. I have a 3 room 9 wo/man (really more like 7 but I've done 9) tent to contribute for accomodations. It will be our own little slice of Black Rock City in Aromas. Someone bring a small Honda generator for electricity and we will rock to Carcass, Entombed, AND Dethklok; maybe even all three at once. We shall raise our goblets in honor of our team. I smell something epic brewing, and it has nothing to do with Michael in golden tights.
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