Just a quick reminder that Crossfit Oakland will be hosting a Team Challenge tomorrow morning. The fun begins at 11am and I think it would be great for us to get to know our neighbors to the east.
Details of the competition are here.
So, who's in? If you're going, post to comments and maybe some carpool action will develop.
Have fun!
Unfortunately, I'm obligated in Marin tomorrow, so I can't roll out with you guys...but I'll be there in spirit!
Unfortunately, I'm obligated in Marin tomorrow, so I can't roll out with you guys...but I'll be there in spirit!
I know I speak for both myself and Damian when I say we will effing throwdown anywhere, but we dont seem to see any interest from other people. We need to start showing up at these events and show them how hard we are training under the Double G Bridge.
"Everyone fights, nobody quits".--Rybacks Roughnecks--Starship Troopers---Thats for you Boz
I would love to come and watch. Unfortunately, I should not compete even though I really want to- can I even do 115# cleans more than a few times?. I did something to my hip flexor, so I want to stay off of it for while to speed healing.
You have at least a few metalheads amongst you. The gents in Carcass and Entombed would be deeply saddened if CFSF did not have at least one three-person team in attendance at O-Town.
Can't make it this weekend, time to play a sport and show the benefits of CrossFit.
Off Topic, but on topic from yesterday's post:
This has to be included in upcoming jumping challenge
I'll go watch - I'm nursing an injury but can cheer my a** off.
Sorry I couldn't be there, guys! Been wanting to train in Oakland for a while now. Once I get this damn bar exam done next week, then, like Lucas, I'll be down with all these challenges!
Sorry we didn't show for the team wod in oakland but we did this same exact WOD last saturday. Glad to report that 4 pr's were set in the snatch this saturday though!!! looking forward to more heavy stuff next time!
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