The Couch Series: Part 1--Quads
The problem with working on your flexibility and mobility is that it's hard to squeeze it in to your already busy life. It's hard enough already to just get in some legitimate daily work capacity training, and eat right, and hang out with your family as it is.
Add some flexibility training too? You ask too much.
Oh, but you can.
Your Couch is the answer. The couch is the greatest mobility prop in your life and we are going to show you how to use it properly. (As a platform to launch first person shooter game campaigns it is not, Adrian)
The majority of the dysfunction I see in my daily physical therapy practice is pretty much preventable. A great deal of patella based pain for example, is simply related to quads (and rectus femoris) that are simply too tight. Is this an over-simplification? Of course. But, most of the people in my clinic that have knee pain also have tight quads and hips.
So quads meet couch, couch quads.
Make it a point that every time you find yourself on the coach, you commit to performing some kind of flexibility training.
Start tonight with your quads.
1) Place your knee in the back corner of the couch where the back cushion meets the seat cushion.
The cushions should sufficiently protect your knee cap from undue compression, but try anyway to make contact with the thigh side of your knee on the cushion.
2) Get ready to suck it up.
3) Keeping your pelvis in neutral and your back straight, try and bring your other leg up onto the couch, closing the distance between your bottom and your heel.
4) The tendency is to let your pelvis tilt forward, thereby unloading your hip, but don't be that guy. Stand in there and take the hit.
This is a great place to work on your contract relax stretching, or just simply enter the pain cave and don't come out for at least 90 seconds.
Happy hunting! (it's a legitimate strategy Adrian)
Reminder: No evening classes Christmas eve, morning and noon classes are still on.
The First EVER SFCF Christmas Day noon workout.
Coach K-you know what's funny about tight quads? Nothing is funny about tight quads-Star
When I stand up, I'm stretching.
Picture #3 is awesome, would be perfect cover photo for Quads Quarterly magazine ;)
More like: Quad Fancy Magazine
"Women, they lohve miah quads. But ju already know this."
Matt, ahahaha.
Quad-Star is right, even flexible ole me gets some mad tightness that f's with my knees. Psoas, IT and Rectus, become my bitch.
Holy crap that's effective!
No way am I getting that other foot onto the couch for a while yet.
Excellent tool, thanks kstar.
Out of curiousity . . . isn't the pain telling me something I should pay attention to, like "stop that you fool you fool"? 'cause it do and it does.
that first picture is hilarious.
That picture qualifies for my screen saver. Choice.
> The tendency is to let your pelvis
> tilt forward, thereby unloading
> your hip, but don't be that guy.
> Stand in there and take the hit.
This is an inspired piece of prose.
Merry Christmas San Francisco CrossFitters!
Peace :)
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