CrosSFit is a strength and conditioning system built on constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity. CrosSFit works for anyone and everyone, from professional and Olympic athletes to those just getting started.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
SFCF Out and About
Just a little eye-candy from the road....
Can you name the places?
Storm (Ian's Dog):
Ryann (one of Steven's):
See you all back in SF on Monday,
PS send in some SFCF out and about pics if you've got 'em! adrian @
1 comment:
Because Im a CF addict, and your fav crossfitter im determined to get one of your shirts on the back of someone famous and get a pic. What if we got Obama crossfittin and he wears one of your shirts. Maybe...just maybe...these shirts may unite a nation...nay!!!! unite a planet...and we may all live under the banner of kettlebell under god indivisable with liberty and justice for all....for time. Im am dead serious about this. Someone famous needs a shirt.
1 comment:
Because Im a CF addict, and your fav crossfitter im determined to get one of your shirts on the back of someone famous and get a pic. What if we got Obama crossfittin and he wears one of your shirts. Maybe...just maybe...these shirts may unite a nation...nay!!!! unite a planet...and we may all live under the banner of kettlebell under god indivisable with liberty and justice for all....for time. Im am dead serious about this. Someone famous needs a shirt.
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