Our friends down south (San Clemente, and San Diego) in So-Cal lost a good friend over the weekend. Miguel Flores, 22, was involved in a car accident that would take his life. I had met Miguel several times over the last few months and he was one of the most genuine, funny, and warm-hearted individuals you could ever know. Because Miguel also possessed freakish work capacity, his friends and family put together a workout that he would be proud of. Apparently Miguel had quite the taste for a good ol' McDonald's McFlurry, thus McFlurry was born (as done yesterday):
Run (Hydrant and Back)
21 Cleans @ 185 men/135 women
21 Thrusters @ 50lb DBs Men/30lb DBs Women
21 Pullups
15 Cleans
15 Thrusters
15 Pullups
9 Cleans
9 Thrusters
9 Pullups
Many of you never knew Miguel, but this was still an opportunity to take a step back and reflect. Our community and the CrossFit community at large is a powerful thing. It's not something that most associate with a fitness program, but it is integral to what we do. Each one of you are a part of this whether you are near, far, consistent, casual, or anywhere in between. For that, I know all the Coaches at SFCF are grateful. We are lucky to be able to do the things we do with such quality people.
So while this workout was brutal, I can think of no better way to truly celebrate the liberty of life than smashing on something this difficult. We all make the choice every time we step up to the bar to participate for no other reason than 'we can'. Don't forget that at some point, the option will be taken from you. Don't take that choice for granted.
For those of you who knew Miguel, our thoughts are with you.
Post thoughts to comments. If you happened to do McFlurry yesterday, post time and experience to comments.
RIP Miguel.
My thought and prayers go out to Miguel and his family. It is times like these that the bonds we have formed in this community are most meaningful. I am incredibly grateful for them.
RIP Miguel.
This workout sucked. It was very demanding on body and mind. So many thoughts raced through my mind while doing this. Thinking how heavy the cleans felt in the middle round, how much the thrusters sucked, how the run actually helped recover, how much I wanted to be done, how much it sucked to be doing it basically alone, and how this was a grinder you had to just survive through. These are the workouts that should make you fearless to take on any WOD. It should make you fearless to tackle a higher weight that may take you forever but you sack up and go after. To me its what we are all about; A group of people who have decided that while we are in the shadows of the sports basement loading dock, we will attempt to push beyond our boundaries of comfort, fear, perceived physical and mental capacity to keep going when we feel we are done. We are able to do this because of what we learn and who we are surrounded by. This is one we will talk about for a long time. But more importantly we are so fortunate to get to share this experience with each other. We are reminded everyday that what is dear to us can be snatched away in an instance. I cherish every moment I spend @ SFCF.
pain lets you know you are still alive... its a celebration of life. This was a borderline "any asshole workout" but being that it is a memorial and for someone who seems worthy of it, im all for it. Can't wait for next dec 10th.
pain lets you know you are still alive... its a celebration of life. This was a borderline "any asshole workout" but being that it is a memorial and for someone who seems worthy of it, im all for it. Can't wait for next dec 10th.
RIP Miguel...
seriously, I think I need to come back up to SF to work with you dooders on run technique... not one single picture with any kind of quality run form in it... WHAT THE CRAP!
Do the workout and let us know how your running technique holds up at the end...
For the record, I'd just like to say that my running is awesome.
As a "noob", I must say that this workout was brutal and fulfilling. Thanks to everyone for the pushes that helped me to the end.
This was a terrible workout in memory of a terrible event. RIP Miguel.
PS-JD posted a mutant time. Way to go JD.
JD wouldve beaten Wolverine from X-Men @ this WOD
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