Friday, November 30, 2007


We all have some...some we know about, some we have yet to find out about. One of the key aspects of our programming is confronting your less than perfect areas on a semi-regular basis. Next time you're asked to raise that dreaded wall-ball or squirm out a few more pullups (or insert 'favourite' movement here) remember that it is an opportunity to round out your skill set. He who has the weakest weaknesses is worst off.

Stay Strong,

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Super Squat

For the uninitiated, there is a very old and storied training regimen called the "The Super Squat Program." In the traditional interpretation, the athlete would perform a 20 rep squat 3 times per week for 6 weeks, increasing the load each week by 10 pounds. This routine in conjunction with a copious consumption of calories (milk was a very popular choice) would produce incredible muscle and strength gains. It is an unbelievable physical and mental strain to squat a load 20 times without rest and requires a tremendous amount of intestinal fortitude and an iron will. While the program is by no means Crossfit, the stimulus of a 20 rep squat has its merits in building a bigger engine. And since we are Crossfitters and not bodybuilders, we do 21...

Check out Coach Boz going after 235# X 21 repetitions!

Strong work!


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Nice Rack!

The Front Squat is a fantastic movement for leg and hip development, no doubt, but a nice rack also delivers excellent postural awareness. Often when front squatting a hearty 'elbows up!' will be tossed your way. This is not just an aesthetic cue! Driving the elbows up forces the muscles surrounding your thoracic cavity into action, helping to tighten your posture and give your hips something to drive into. Work for a nice rack!


Johnny Utah err, Elmo "Daddy" Taddeo

A new definition of "Fitness"

SFCF is very proud to welcome the newest Taddeo into the family.
Gang, meet Daniel Thomas Taddeo.

Big love to you guys!

Little Coach "G"

Monday, November 26, 2007

Pillar of Strength

Overhead lifting requires a tremendous amount of midline strength and stability, without which we either fail in the attempt and/or expose ourselves to possible injury. Athletically, when we shoulder press, push press, push jerk and overhead squat it is requisite that we remain "tight" under the load in order to effectively move the load as well as protect ourselves. You cannot effectively transfer power from the ground to overhead if you are soft in the middle. It is obvious to the athlete in exercises such as hollow rocks, L sits and knees-to-elbows what we are after, but less apparent and even more critical to the execution of the aforementioned overhead exercises. One cannot have distal mobility without proximal stability. Thus, when your coach is cueing you to "tighten up," draw your abdominals into your spine and squeeze your shoulders down and back. The overhead lifts serve to teach us complete integration of the upper and lower extremities, thus making us more efficient in our everyday lives.

Want to see how stable you are overhead? Try the Silly Ball overhead for time. (a swiss ball filled with water) Coach K holds the house record @ 1:01.

Nice work JD and Coach K!


Saturday, November 24, 2007

Unilateral Overhead Diesel Kitty

Dumbells are a ruthlessly effective way to correct postural and functional imbalances.
Many sports require the athlete to load one side of the body more often than the other. Seeing strength, mobility, and coordination differences between different sides of the athlete is more intuitively clear in sports like soccer and rowing, but still show up in nearly everyone. Using unilateral loading like dumbells, forces the body to generate an independent, unilateral motor program and movement solution and thus prevents one side of the body from piggy-backing on the other. Making these unilateral movements overhead and under metabolic load compounds their value.

In the photo above, Kitty is demonstrating excellent overhead positioning and good lower extremity mechanics, even in the middle of a hard workout. Thus, she is "diesel". Or she is said to be "dieseling" the workout. (Thanks Coach Kevin for the language lesson.)

Friday, November 23, 2007

Movin' Fast

The new year is almost upon us. Think back to the beginning of this year. Where were you then? Where are you now? Where would you like to be at the end of the year? Don't wait until New Year's to re-evaluate your goals...that's for the chrome gym and bran muffin types.

Also, start spreading the word: December 1st we start our new class schedule. Monday-Friday 6am, Monday-Thursday 7pm and Saturday as usual. Tell your friends!

See you at 6,

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

A BIG thanks to everyone for coming out and making the annual Turkey Day Chipper the biggest SFCF workout ever! Be safe today, enjoy your loved ones and have that extra piece of pie, you've earned it!

From all of us at SFCF, Happy Thanksgiving!

Coach Kevin

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A for Effort

What we do is hard. There are times when one arrives for a workout with less than a perfect mindset. This is fine, but remember that the benefit of your action is directly proportionate to the effort you put forth. Approach every set and movement as if you will do it better than you did last time, even if your max of the day is not your personal best. Nobody becomes a monster by simply going through the motions. Want it enough to do it well!

This canvas is an opportunity. What do you see?

On a lighter note, have a great Thanksgiving and remember to keep your M-Quotient high! (M-Quotient= Lbs edible/Persons in attendance)


Tuesday, November 20, 2007


You are the first generation. You are virtually Crossfit Athlete Zero. You are part of a great experiment, and many of the implications of your training will be hidden from you. But not the impact that your training will have on the generation of athletes behind you.

You are the new baseline by which they will measure progress and performance.
Even the Little Coach.

Coach K

Monday, November 19, 2007

An Act of Discipline

"First we form habits, then they form us. Conquer your bad habits or they will conquer you." -Rob Gilbert

This week marks the start of the holiday season and for more than a few of us, the holiday consumption. Work places become veritable bakeries with sugar cookies and sweets; office parties are frequent, alcohol consumption is commonplace and late-nights are the norm. Throw on top of that the stress of shopping and traveling to visit family and it no wonder most of us spend the first week of the New Year recovering from a sleep-deprived, sugar-induced coma. Time to brace yourself.

My piece of advice is this: develop an act of discipline to learn moderation. Don't undo the past year(s) of Crossfitting in the next six weeks, only to have to regain the traction you have built. Don't be the New Year's resolution cliche. Develop good habits now.

On a personal note, my weakness is chocolate. I can think of very few things that are as satisfying on a visceral level. But, what I've learned is a taste holds me over without the regret the whole bar brings. I created a daily act of discipline. Every couple of weeks, I purchase a really good quality dark chocolate bar and every night, I eat one square. That's it. I eat with hormonal intelligence everyday and Crossfit religiously and that one square satiates any desire I have to consume recklessly. I don't have to have a piece everyday, but knowing it's there is enough.

So, as we enter this season of temptation, think of an area of your personal habits that need tightening-up and approach it with a sense of purpose and intention. Make a plan, set a schedule, sort it out.

Coach Kevin

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Heart of the Matter

Being "Crossfit" means many things. It may mean you are strong, flexible, powerful, or fluent in many different skills or movements. But above all else, being Crossfit means that you are metabolically fit. This means that you are well practiced (I'd say comfortable but no one is ever really comfortable) working at high intensities. It means you have sufficiently conditioned yourself to be able to buffer the hate that is concurrently generated at the high work outputs that we value. We hold that diverse capabilities are important, but at the heart of what we love most, work capacity is king.

Check out the Saturday monsters laying down the base layer.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

CrossFit My Kitchen: How to Hard Boil an Egg

Proper nutrition is paramount to athletic performance, post-workout recovery and overall health and longevity. One of the biggest challenges I find is always having quality protein readily available when I'm in a hurry and need nourishment. My solution: Hard Boiled Eggs. Portable. Resilient. Perfect.

Eggs are rich in nutrients and are a very affordable component of a healthy diet. They contain, in varying amounts, almost every essential vitamin and mineral needed by humans as well as several other beneficial food components. In fact, egg protein is of such high quality that it is a standard against which other proteins are compared.

I have heard many clients comment about how they would eat more hard boiled eggs if they weren't such a pain to peel or they didn't smell so bad. Here is a recipe to produce the perfect, non-smelling, easy-to-peel, hard boiled egg. Enjoy!

Things You'll Need: (Recipe is for 12 eggs)

1. 12 Eggs (I use organic, cage free)
2. Large pot and lid (3 or 4 quart)
3. Push Pin
4. Ice

Step 1: Place pot of water on stove under high heat; cover and bring to roaring boil.

Step 2: While water is coming to a boil, puncture one end of each egg with a push pin. (I find leaving the eggs in the carton and puncturing the tops is the easiest way to go about it)

Step 3: Once water boils, gently place eggs in pot and set timer for 12 min; recover pot with lid.

Step 4: Carefully drain water, recover pot with lid; gently shake the eggs in the pot to crack the shells.

Step 5: Dump 1-2 trays of ice over eggs and fill pot with cold water. Let stand for 5-10 minutes.

Step 6: Slide egg shells off your perfectly hard boiled eggs. Refrigerate for future use.

Bon Appetit,
Coach Kevin

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Congrats to Diane who attended her first Crossfit Certification in Santa Cruz this weekend and absolutley CRUSHED her previous Fran time with a 6:06. Impressive showing!

Also, if there is a time during the week that you would like to see another class, let your coach know. We are currently considering expanding the class schedule. Your input helps!!

See you soon,

Coach A

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Saturday Class Format Change

Hey Gang,
Just want to make sure everyone is aware of the new schedule for Saturday mornings.

Starting this Saturday, November 10th, we will be implementing our Level II classes starting at 7:45am.

Regular Level One open classes will move to an 8:30am start time.

Level II classes are our attempt to continue to meet the needs of, and challenge our regular crossfitters that have developed solid proficiency in the core movements of CF programming. Level II athletes can complete regular Crossfit WOD's at prescribed training weights and work volumes. Level II programming is invitation/try out based.

We want to continue to challenge our veterans with higher skill based workouts that require basic strength, technique, and work capacity competencies.

If you think you may be in between levels, train with us regularly, and we have not spoken to you about advancing your programming, come to the Level II class for a try out.

It is a fantastic sign that our athletes are arriving at a place where they need more difficult workouts!

Nice CFSF!

Coach K