Hey Gang,
It is my pleasure to introduce Caroline Starrett! (aka. The Hammer)
Caroline joined us August 2nd after quite some business. She was a chubby 5 lbs 8 oz.
Mom and baby are doing well and Juliet has set the house record for number of transfusions in a 4 day period.
Callie was born early into her 34th week of growth and subsequently has had the pleasure of hanging out in the neonatal intensive care unit for the last 9 or so days.
I would be remiss if I didn't say she's killing it. We hope to her sprung from there in the next 5-7 days. This would still put her home while she was still pre-term! Thank god she takes after her mother.
I've had some quality thinking time in the hospital of late and should elaborate on a few things I've been thinking about.
1) I'm always blown away at the generosity of my friends. They step up to cover my classes, bring my family food, and make sure we've got what we need. Thanks to everyone that has gone out of their way to bring over amazing food.
2) Expect "Hammer Fest" when Caroline comes home from the hospital. Rager.
3) People in the hospital have been blown away at: How fast my wife has recovered, how well she did when her Hematocrit was 21 (literally less than half of mine), and how long she was able to carry Caroline. I'm like, "she trains really hard for this shit, I'm not really not that surprised." Juliet is officially the most bad ass human being I know. I'm going to state for the public record that she is the best athlete in the family (and toughest).
4) Sometimes we all could stand to harden the eff up. See below for reality check.

I'm grateful that for the second time, I didn't loose both my daughter and my wife to childbirth.
And I'm very grateful that Caroline has been born into such an amazing family of stellar SFCF aunties and uncles.
ps. My pet theory is that Caroline sensed that she needed an 8 week head start on her older sister Georgia. Not a bad idea actually.
MEGA!! Thanks for the pics. I'm sorry Caroline has to kick it for a while in the NICU, but am delighted, though not surprised, to hear that she's killing it. I, along with everyone else, know plenty of people who began life this way. Caroline will be home pestering her big sis in no time.
That's truly amazing. Congrats!!!
Congratulations on #2! You guys do great work. She's beautiful.
Im stoked for you both, and thrilled that JC brought everyone through healthy and happy. Now all caroline needs is a kettlebell. The hammer has arrived!!!!
I couldn't be happier to hear all is going well. Much love to you all, and I can't wait to meet the newest Starrett.
This is absolutely wonderful news. Caroline is a cutie! Congratulations and best wishes, again!
I can't wait for hammerfest5000.com.net.awesome to begin.
The Hammer is sporting some wicked shades there. Congratulations once again. I can't wait for the homecoming.
I've waited 10 days to see that picture- oh, it was SOOO worth the wait!! So beautiful!
As for Juliet, well can't say I'm surprised. She's phenomenal.
So Caroline's a Leo...the Lion, very a propos, and description seems to be ringing true already:
A Leo always makes their presence known. Leos are full of energy that acts like a magnet for other people. Others are attracted to Leo's wit, charm, and what they have to say, for they speak of things grand and very interesting. Leo will never settle for second best.
Love you guys- can't wait to see you all!
Katherine (Kitty)
Congratulations to you and Juliet! Happy to hear they are both doing well. She's beautiful.
Thank you for the pictures of the beautiful addition to your family.
Glad to hear you will be bringing Callie home shortly, and not surprised to hear about Juliet's rockstar status... we knew that already.
Can't wait to see all of you, big love to your amazing family.
Congrats Starretts! Callie is amazing. Sorry I couldn't be there but give my best to everyone.
What a story, what a fighter!
As the dad of two girls I had to say congrats! I always enjoy your blog, your SFCF community, and now your family...
You are a class act Kstar and a fine role model for all CrossFit Coaches and affiliates...
In Strength,
..and Dads!
Congratulations again! You do have an amazing family! You and Juliet are truly Rockstars! Please let us know if there is anything we can do or help with. Can't wait to see you guys back at CF :) - I bet Georgia took those amazing pictures of her little sister with her cool red camera! She's quite the photographer.
WOW Congratulations Guys,
Charlotte spent 1 month intensive as well, rockin the 4lbs. 9oz. She also made a life long friend while there. All I can say is that it was an amazing experience for everyone involved, really puts things into perspective.
My family wishes you the best, Caroline is a very lucky girl to have such frickin great parents, thanks for being so awesome guys.
Congrats Starrett Family! When I was doing my OBGYN rotation, everytime I saw a birth, it was just amazing experience, up until the little critter started pooping and peeing on me...but that's a good sign. Rest up, and we'll be waiting on the Hammer!
COngratulations & Welcome Caroline to the World!
I would pay money to be in that family! Can't wait to meet the new addition and the fighter that brought her to this world.
and just in case you haven't heard, we're still trying to cook/supply as many dinners for the new family of four as possible.
email me if you're interested.
smeghankearney @ gmail.com
so happy for you, kelly!
she's absolutely beautiful and amazing, coach k! congratulations to you and your whole family. got a workout in mind to name after her? welcome to the CrossFit family, "the hammer"! xoxoxo
Congratulations! Best wishes from the opposite coast.
Hey Kelly - A huge congrats from the East Bay to you and your gorgeous family. So happy to hear everyone is healthy and recovering and that Caroline is flying through her time in the NICU. Cheers to you, Papa, and to the amazing care given to your girls by the NICU and Antepartum docs and nurses. Sophie was born at 29 weeks so I understand the importance of these folks! xxxooo, Julie (Bosetti)
So cute!! Cant wait to do Caroline this sat. Congrats to both of you...
Congrats Kelly and family!
p.s. tomorrow i will dedicate my 34 burpees to "the hammer" in honor of her entrance during her 34th week. keep killin' it, girl!
Congrats Kelly and Juliet. I am soooo happy for both of you. Wanted to let you know that Orea and I were thinking of you while we were on the river over the last two weeks. Can't wait to see you soon.
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