Alright SFCF-ers, the time has come. The request for music is a difficult one to fill, as everyone always wants something different. Add to the fact that satellite radio sucks (in my not-so-humble-opinion), and we've got a problem...let's take a page out of the book of Camacho. Crossfit One World's Freddy Camacho, that is( Here's the deal:
In the comments, request two (2) songs that make you want to fight, feud and wake up at the zoo (or at least fire you up to go workout). I will download those songs from itunes and create a SFCF playlist that we can crank during workouts. Everybody wins!
The catch is that the song must be available on itunes and you MUST post your name along with the song if 'Drop Kick Me Jesus Through the Goal Post of Life' comes up when you're trying to hit a PR, you know who to thank.
Dial, not to be outdone by that rogue, Lucas, strikes a pose of his own.
PS there are still a few spots open for SFCFers to take advantage of the group discount at the Catalyst Athletics O-Lifting Seminar coming up this October. Drop me a line (adrian AT if you're interested.
Saul Williams - List of Demands
Eminem - Till I Collapse
Running the same playlist over and over is going to get old quick. Can't we just rotate people's ipod playlists they make? Group majority votes whether it's a bad playlist or not and punishment is 100 burpees.
We'll get enough songs to make sure that there won't be too much repeat. We can always take more requests every few weeks.
This commercial has been playing over and over during the olympics, but the site on Nike provides a little link to each athlete featured. I'm a little pissed off because I was going to make a team video using this song by The Killers, "All These Things I've Done," and now Nike beat me to it. Check out the athlete profiles. They're quite a few amateur/people I've never heard of before. And it's a cool video. Good song to go on the playlist too.
Great idea, Adrian!
Sabotage- Beastie Boys
Shake It- Metro Station
:) Katherine (aka Kitty)
Do You Really Want to Hurt Me? - Boy George
Lady in Red - Chris De Burgh
Dancing Queen - ABBA
Break Like the Wind - Spinal Tap
The Flabongo Groupies
Brittany Spears - Gimme More
Metallica - Enter Sandman
Brittany Spears - Gimme More
Metallica - Enter Sandman
lady in red was the first song i ever slow danced to - in 6th grade. beautiful, michael, beautiful.
i vote:
pump up the jam - salt n pepa
rise - public image limited
2 Pac - When we Ride on Our Enemies
Pantera - Domination
I'm typically fine with having anything on. The sat. radio works well enough for me.
Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley
Peanut Butter Jelly Time - Buckwheat Boys
...OK, seriously though.
Put On - Young Jeezy
Seven Nation Army - White Stripes
Drug Ballad-eminem
body movin'-beastie boys
Bouncin Back - Mystikal
Whiskey River - Willie Nelson
Ha! Hearing "Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?" mid-workout would be an absolute disaster. I like it.
I also like the image of Lucas in his alarming superhero costume, and the one of Dial looking like a total stud. If, so attired, he drove up and offered you a ride, how could you not accept?
"Positive Contact" -- Del Tha Funkee Homosapien (as Deltron 3030)
"Smokestack Lightnin'" -- Howlin' Wolf
I think you should have to do a hundred burpees for putting that "Never gunna give you up" song in my head.
Personally, nothing gets me more pumped up than a little Barry Manillow...Mandy anyone?
But for now:
Dragula - Rob Zombie
Break Stuff - Limp Bizkit
Great Fun, Adrian! Thanks for putting this together.
Danzig-Am I Demon
The Cult-Fire Woman
Just my mood for the day.
Mike M
Ministry - Jesus Built My Hot Rod
H20 - Role Model
GWAR - Gor Gor
Powerman 5000 - Car Crash
We need more metal.
Is Lucas attempting to cover up his Greatest American Hero costume with a grey t-shirt?
Thrice- Image of the invisible
AC/DC- Rock N Roll aint noise pollution
So much 80's arena rock to choose from . . .
Sweet Child O' Mine-Guns N' Roses
Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)-Motley Crue (I still laugh every time I hear this song.)
Man in the Box -- Alice in Chains
Engel -- Rammstein
Throw in a little hip hop if you like to spice it up...
Craig Mack -- Flava in ya Ear
Snoop -- Tha Shiznit
Run To The Hills - Iron Maiden
Just about any song by Clutch ie "10001110101",
Ace Of Spades - Motorhead
Oooh, oooh. Anything by Electric Wizard, esp. from their 'Come My Fanatics' album, for heavy lifting days.
For faster days, how about some Todd Terry or Aphex Twin (ie. 'Come To Daddy')?
Man, those songs kinda date me, don't they.
-Eric B
Wait a second, am I the only one who went to high school AND college in the 1980's? Other than a few above, I'm completely clueless on what's recommended. :)
I'll suggest with an old pal of mine and local Chuck Prophet for Shore Patrol from The Hurting Business.
And, Gimme All Your Lovin' by ZZ Top.
I'm going back to brush my mullet.
Best songs ever:
The Chicken Cow - Wesley Willis
What What (in the Butt) - Samwell
Thanks, Boz
-Thurston Howell, III
Elvis Presley by Wesley Willis is waaaayyy better than the chicken cow. I thinks you knows it.
I strongly disagree. The only Wesley Willis songs that arguably edge out the Chicken Cow are Rock n' Roll McDonalds and Aftab Noorani.
-Thurston Howell, III
I will concede rock n Roll McDonalds is better than Elvis, I haven't thought about that song in years...
RIP Wesley Willis. Anyone with notable fore-head damage due to head-butted greatings is OK in my book.
Oh, and Thurston, why did you pack so many cloths/supplies etc? It was supposed to be such a short trip!
Because, Boz, I'm a millionaire.
oh c'mon Thurston and Boz, everyone knowns "I wupped Batman's Ass" was Willis at his best...timely, too. And who can resist the beat of "Chronic Schizophrenia"?
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