Hey Gang!
On Saturday, September 27th San Francisco Crossfit is going to be joining forces with Crossfit affiliates across the country (about 130 and counting) to raise money and awareness for two very important foundations, Athletes For a Cure and the Wounded Warrior Project (below is some info on both groups). How are we going to raise this money you ask? A little exercise called Fight Gone Bad. I am sure many of you know what workout this is and are already excited, but if you don't, it will be a piece of cake.
The money raised has no bearing on your score from Fight Gone Bad so don't worry! All you need to do is spread the word beforehand and raise money through the website from anybody who is willing to support these two foundations and of course support you in getting through this workout.
If you are interested in participating, follow this link, http://athletes.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=275345 , and the directions to register as an individual. During the registration period, make sure you join the San Francisco Crossfit team. Once registered you can edit your own webpage as well as begin to collect donations.
Our goal is to raise $10,000 as a group so get signed up!
Athletes For a Cure "is a fundraising and awareness program to assist individual athletes in their quest to raise money for better treatments and a cure for prostate cancer. Every dollar raised from the program goes directly to the Prostate Cancer Foundation."
Wounded Warrior Project "raises awareness and enlists the public's aid for the needs of severely injured service men and women. Help severely injured service members aid and assist each other. Provide unique, direct programs and services to meet their needs."
Sean Murphy has been gracious enough to take the lead on this project!
Coach Kstar
Ps. Either way, you now know the next time we are Fighting Gone Badding.
I will be in NYC with Willie Nelson that weekend... but will donate to the cause. I think it is great that SFCF is participating.
FYI: the link is broken
Easiest Link to follow: http://athletes.kintera.org/crossfit08/sanfranciscocrossfit
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