Often during our warm-up, our athletes find themselves walking around in a full squat with their hands up behind their heads. We encourage them to go and take a certain number of steps and find out what their fellow athletes have had as a fat source for breakfast. This wonderful hip opener is affectionately called "pigs on ice skates". This morning, if an athlete was found out not to have had any fat prior to workout, they had to perform some dynamic encouragement (aka. pushups).
We often find that many of our morning athletes have failed to consume any fat at all and are working out in a fasted state or missing this vital macro-nutrient. Some of our super jocks actually meet their fat intake with whole milk or half and half in their coffee. Clearly even a few almonds will do. The dietary fat dearth is often more indicative of a larger nutritional problem, mainly that while some people know how many grams of protein they've consumed, they don't actually know how much fat they've had.
This is a problem. You should treat your fat source like you do your protein (ie. organic free range, grass fed beef with names and child sleep partners).
We consider the glucagon/insulin teeter toter to be balanced out. Protein on one side and carbohydrate on the other. In the middle, as a teeter totter neutral fuel source, is good old fat. So get some, and make it quality would you?
Coach kstar