It all started in Ann Arbor, Michigan a couple of weeks back. I managed to represent SFCF in a few
workouts and came out on top...My friend Dave was chasing me hard, but I didn't let you guys down! While prepping for my trip to San Diego a few short days later, I get an email from Dave who happens to be a Navy SEALS instructor on Coronado Island. It's a typical Dave email:
"Get ready for your trip down to my playground. Bring your swim-trunks."
Oh. Shit.
If there's one thing that is definately in my herd of goats, it's swimming. My wife informs me I swim like a stone. "How can one be so fit, yet swim so terribly?" she's remarked on serveral occasions after witnessing me thrash about. Things do not look good....

We get to the SEAL pool on Coronado and Dave dives in, two kettlebells in hand. Gently placing them on the 9 foot-deep pool floor he resurfaces. Without a word he dives, grabs one and proceeds to run the kettlebell the width of the pool...IN ONE BREATH! He pops up on the other side cool, calm, relaxed. I give it a whirl and make it about half-way across before my brain and lungs are screaming for O2 "JEESUSCHRISTIMGONNADROWN". I resurface and breath like a madman.

Several attempts later and I'm at the other side. Dave smiles, and proceeds to grab both kettlebells for the return. I'm still trying to figure out where he hides his third lung...

After our little challenge, there's generally some mucking about...

A good time was had by all. Underwater Goat-a-thon!
More importantly, a big shout out to Travis who just completed his Crossfit Level 1 Certification Seminar. Nice work Travis!

See you guys soon,
-Adrian "top-that-goat-story" Bozman