We will also be re-doing the house-record board. Only the top 5 'as-written' scores will be kept on the coveted house-record board, so let the games begin!
Check out how neat and tidy the boxes and racks are:
Let's all make the effort to keep our equipment orderly.
Lastly, keep your massive levels of Crossfit-developed conditioning in check. 7 feet of bar is no match...
Train hard,
Save me and Caveman two spots.
Jeans Implosion For Time
1. Boz
Snake Head Snoggings
Aneel: Lots
Dial: Aneel + 1
And Kstar stills holds the SFCF record for wrecked pants. Which is not to be confused with disaster pants, which I'm pretty sure Aneel also owns.
Max rounds special shoes:
1. Michael
Heaviest photo-avatar:
PS How do I get a sweet photo like that in my posts?
Seriously...and where did he get that photo from in the first place!!
You need to set up a Google/Blogger account to chose a photo.
Corrine and I were literally losing our minds in our living room 4 days before the bar exam. So obviously I suggested a caveman photo shoot. That was the result.
P.S. That hat was made from a wolf that tried to attack my mother's camp while she was riding horses across Mongolia. Very musky.
look at all that orderly purdy equipment. Did yall get more black mats and boxes? or am i just trippen...
I'm not an elite athlete, I just train with them
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