Know this: When one of your coaches is asking for perfection (or damn near it), there is an unwritten agreement that it may not happen immediately. We understand this, but believe (truly) that over time you are capable of developing beyond your current standard. The coach's job is to re-inforce the things you know that you know, remind you of the things you forget you know, and teach you the things you didn't know you didn't know...all you have to do is fight for it. The process is the important part of this journey, and part of that process is fighting for perfection. None of us will ever attain perfection in many of the skills we practice, but merely get closer to mastery. The struggle is where the learning is and shouldn't be approached or dismissed lightly. It is your responsibility to truly want to improve no matter what your current skill level. So enjoy the process, enjoy the road, but most of all enjoy the struggle! Even if it's not perfect, fight for it!
See you at 6,
I am the man who will fight for your honor. I'll be the hero that you're dreaming of.
If I think about this message during our workouts I might start crying from the power it gives me. Just knowing "that we did it all for the glory of love".--Lucas
I just busted out laughing reading this at work. I am so happy that I can entertain myself with a little bit of your help Lucas
Not sure how much I was I "enjoying the road" during the 100 push-ups and 100 HSC's this morning, but always a pleasure to get a decent ass-kicking from you, Adrian. Nice post.
Sounds like I picked a good morning to skip a workout. Well, that depends - what's an "HSC"?
HSC is Hang Squat Clean...we used dumbells thursday morning. One of my favourites...
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